
Motherhood Through Memes

In honor of Mother’s Day here is a glimpse of the hilarious, scary, annoying, and wonderful parts of motherhood! Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

When the baby is up at 4:30 A.M.

A glimpse of the hilarious, scary, annoying, and wonderful parts of motherhood! Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! 

When your lucky enough that the baby sleeps in…but your toddler wakes up early.

When you think, “Today’s the day I’m going to catch up on my social media addiction and leisurely drink my coffee.”

When you’ve had your morning coffee. Even if it has been reheated 8 times.

Those days when you try to tackles the dishes while the kids attempt to entertain themselves.

“Mommy, I got to tell you a story.” Meanwhile two hours later…

When you sneak into your secret candy stash. (I know I’m not the only one who has one. Lol)

When you realize you’ve been caught.

When your downstairs doing laundry, and your kid walks past your husband (who is in the kitchen making lunch) and comes all the way downstairs to ask YOU for a glass of milk.

When your talking about how exhausted you are and someone without kids tries to relate.

When you try to have a minute of privacy to use the bathroom.

When you just cleaned the bathroom forgetting it was a bath night.

When it’s been a long day…

When your trying to loose the baby weight.

Ahh, the kids are finally asleep…

When ita Mother’s Day and you get a homemade card that says…

That alone makes it all worth it.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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